Current Students
Dear student, you are required to check your attendance regularly from UMS portal. Remember it is compulsory to have 75% attendance in an academic semester as per university ordinance. The excerpt from the university ordinance regarding the attendance is given below
Attendance Clause as per Ordinance
8.1 Every student is required to attend all the lectures, tutorials, practicals and other prescribed curricular and co-curricular activities. The attendance can be condoned upto 25% on medical grounds or for other genuine reasons beyond the control of students.
8.2 A further relaxation of attendance upto 15% for a student can be given by Head of Institution / College provided that the he/she has been absent with prior permission of the Head of Institution / College for the reasons acceptable to him.
8.3 No student will be allowed to appear in the end semester examination if he/she does not satisfy the overall average attendance requirements of Clause nos. 8.1 and 8.2 and such candidate(s) shall be treated as having failed and will be further governed by Clause nos. 5.1 and 5.2.
8.4 The attendance shall be counted from the date of admission in the college or start of academic session whichever is later.
All the hostellers are expected to follow rules and regulations elaborated in the Hostel’s rules and regulations
Code of Conduct
All the students are expected to follow the code of conduct as laid down by the University.
Leave application form
The students are required to apply for leaves before leaving the institute citing proper and justified reasons. Only after due approval a student can leave the institute. Any unapproved leave shall be marked as absence and action will be taken against such students.
Fee submission
The students have to submit fees on due time which is notified from time to time. A student has to register himself/herself in each consecutive semester through UMS by opting for new courses and submitting the fee for that semester. Late submission will attract penalties so students should be attentive in depositing fees on time
Marks Updation
If a student wishes to update his/her marks for a particular course. He/she can fill up a marks updation form and submit to the exam division.
Preplacement activities
Our institute conducts comprehensive pre-placement activities to ensure students are well-prepared for their job interviews. These activities include tailored resume-building workshops, where students learn to highlight their skills and experiences effectively. Mock interview sessions are organized to simulate real interview scenarios, helping students build confidence and improve their communication skills. Additionally, we conduct workshops on common interview questions and techniques for answering them effectively. Soft skills training, including teamwork, leadership, and problem-solving, is also provided. These activities aim to equip students with the necessary tools and confidence to succeed in their job placements.

Value added courses
The institute offers additional Value-added courses which are specialized programs designed to enhance skills and knowledge of the students beyond the standard curriculum, providing them with a competitive edge in their professional fields

Recent Value added courses
- Industrial application of Industrial Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
- Computer Aided Product Design & Development
- Computer Added Simulation
- Drone technology: Introduction to applications
A. Apply for the degree

Once the sufficient number of degree forms have been received in the department, the exam cell forward the set to university with request to prepare degree certificates. This usually takes 03 months. After receiving the degree from University, exam cell inform the concerned students about the availability of degree certificate through email.
B. Procedure of receiving the Degree